Sebastian Kaupert
Adjunct Associate Professor

Sebastian Kaupert is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Undergrad Communication Design Department in the School of Design at Pratt Institute and serves as the Information Officer of Pratt’s Academic Senate, as well as the departmental Senator for UG Communication Design. He has been teaching at Pratt for 27 years, including classes on social media, branding and creative practice.
He manages the Education Abroad program for UG ComD and is currently serving on the following committees: Academic Integrity Standing Committee, JED Working Group and the ACE Internationalization Lab. He has previously served on the Classroom Success Committee, Built/Natural Environment Working Group, BOT’s Student Affairs and MSCHE Working Group, and just joined the Faculty Union UFCT Local 1460 as a member of its Grievance Committee.
Sebastian has developed identities, consumer advertising, editorial design, online advertising, corporate sites, application interfaces, and intranets for brands like American Express, BMW, Condé Nast, Evian, IBM, IMF, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, MSNBC, Nickelodeon, Novartis, Pfizer, Simon & Schuster, Verizon, Viacom, Volvo, and UPS.
Sebastian Kaupert has held Creative Director positions at Interactive Bureau, Havas, and Condé Nast. He’s helped over a dozen startups, in the US and Europe, as brand and product advisor, held roles of Chief Design Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, and served on the board of AIGA’s New York Chapter.
Today he leads a brand consultancy in Brooklyn, NY and works extensively with startups at the intersection of branding, product design, AI and social, ecological and climate justice.
CE Executive Program, Business for Design Leaders, Harvard Business School, Boston/USA
MFA Diplom Designer, Hochschule für Gestaltung, Pforzheim University, Pforzheim/Germany