Vera Dika
Visiting Associate Professor

Vera Dika holds a Ph.D. in Cinema Studies from New York University and has taught at NYU, UCLA, USC, Iuav Università di Venezia, and New Jersey City University. Specializing in American film from 1973 to the present, Dika is the author of The Pictures Generation at Hallwalls: Traces of the Body, Gender, and History (Routledge, 2023), The (Moving) Pictures Generation: New York Downtown Film and Art (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), Recycled Culture in Contemporary Art and Film: the Uses of Nostalgia (Cambridge University Press, 2003) and Games of Terror: Halloween and the Films of the Stalker Cycle 1978-1983 (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1991). The seminal Games of Terror will be reissued this year by University of Wales Press in 2024. Professor Dika has written film criticism for Art in America, Artforum, Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Millennium Film Journal, Film Reader, Jump Cut, and The Los Angeles Times. She is a founding Editor of Millennium Film Journal. Professor Dika has curated film shows at the Museum of the Moving Image, The REDCAT, The Walker Arts Center, and the Pompidou, and presented at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies and numerous other conferences worldwide. Professor Dika is also Editor-in-Chief of Quarterly Review of Film and Video.