Zehra Kuz
Adjunct Professor - CCE

Worked for Edward Larrabee Barnes – J.M.Y. Lee Architects and SOM, New York , where she was an active member of PerFORMance group, a branch of Professional Development Committee, with a focus on environmentally conscious design; founded Oasis Design Lab LLC; co-organized the Organic Approach to Architecture symposium in 1999 and the book with the same title in 2002; authored the exhibition titled Autochthonous Architecture in Tyrol and the accompanying catalog in 1992; has taught at the City College of New York, the School of Architecture, University of Arlington, and Universitaet Innsbruck, Fakultaet fuer Architektur; contributing member to RAMP (Recovery, Adaptation, Mitigation, and Planning), an initiative organized by Pratt Institute’s Programs for Sustainable Planning and Development in response to Superstorm Sandy, funded by Kresge Foundation.
Diplom Ingenieur, Universitaet Innsbruck, Fakultaet fuer Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen, Austria; M.S.Arch. and Building Design, Columbia University.