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Academic Search Candidate – Travel Policy


Office of the Provost

Effective Date: 4/12/05. Rates and Policy updated 2/3/2025.

The goal of this policy is to facilitate the scheduling of travel and lodging arrangements for candidates’ campus interviews and to further set parameters around what academic search expenses are supported by the Office of the Provost. Additional information regarding what constitutes a business expense can be found in the Pratt Institute Business Expense Policy, set by the Controller’s Office.

Search Expenses

The Office of the Provost does not cover expenses related to search committees’ processes or procedures prior to campus interviews. This includes meeting expenses, committee member compensation or stipends, or any other committee expenses incurred prior to the candidate’s arrival to campus.

Prior to the search process, the Dean of the School in which the search is taking place must request budget approval from the Provost for the intended academic searches for the year. The Office of the Provost will consider academic search expenses including but not limited to advertising, posting and recruitment costs, travel and lodging for in-person interviews and lunch and dinner with the candidate during the interview process. 


After the Search Committee has vetted the applicants submitted materials and a “short list” of candidates has been set for full-time positions (faculty, chairs, and deans), the chairperson of the Search Committee will identify those candidates qualifying for travel and lodging assistance and seek approval by the Dean and Provost. The Search Committee Chair must gain approval for all candidates for travel and lodging from the Finance Administrator/Assistant of the School which is conducting the search. Approvals must be obtained prior to notification of the candidate. After approval, the Chair of the Search Committee is responsible for informing the candidate of the travel and lodging policies and procedures. 

Final budget determination per search will be agreed upon by the Office of the Provost and the Dean or Provost. Any expenses that do not adhere to this policy or exceed the allowable expenses must be approved by the Office of the Provost, not the department administrator in the School. 

Travel, Lodging and Meals

Travel by private automobile can be reimbursed at $0.70/mile plus tolls. All bus, train and air travel is the least expensive airfare possible, following Pratt’s current policy for Concur Travel (see summary of policy here if you do not have a concur account). Lodging (room only) expenses are limited to $350/day. Meals costs (per night of lodging) are limited to $97/day. Meals costs for each candidate are reimbursable and exclude any group meals with search committee members (see below). The rate applies to all meals for the candidate regardless of dining alone or with a group.

A candidate’s travel and lodging allowance is determined by the distance traveled to Pratt for a campus interview:

  •  Travel within the New York City metropolitan region. No travel or lodging expenses allowed. (Free campus parking can be provided by contacting Pratt Security at 718-636-3540).
  • Travel up to 100 miles: Transportation expenses and meal allowance for one (1) day, no lodging allowance. (Philadelphia, Hartford, New Haven, etc.)
  • Travel over 100 miles and up to 1500 miles: Transportation expenses and up to one (1) night and lodging/meals. (Boston, Washington, D.C., Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, etc.)
  • Travel over 1500 miles and up to 5000 miles: Transportation expenses and up to two (2) nights and lodging/meals. (Denver, Los Angeles, London, Rome, Mexico City, São Paulo, etc.)
  • Travel over 5000 miles: Transportation expenses and up to three (3) nights and lodging/meals. (Seoul, Tokyo, Melbourne, etc.)

Campus Visit

If the Search Committee is planning to provide lunch and dinner to a candidate as part of the interview process, the Office of the Provost will contribute funds pending budgetary approval and the funds are subject to the following restrictions:

Reasonable per person meal rates have been adjusted for inflation to the amounts below:

  • Restaurants
    • Breakfast: $17.25
    • Lunch: $23
    • Dinner: $57.50
  • Catered Events
    • Light refreshments: $26
    • Meal: $30

Lunch with candidate

  • Expenses related to lunch with the candidate and other members of the search or faculty are limited to one lunch with a maximum number of guests to be 10, including the candidate.

Dinners with candidates

  • Provide a copy of the tax exempt form to the restaurant with your reservation 
  • Gratuity cannot be exceed 18%
  • Alcohol drink is limited to 1 glass per person 
  • Expenses related to the dinner with the candidate are limited to one dinner with a maximum number of guests to be 5, including the candidate.

Roles & Responsibilities

After approval for travel, the Search Committee Chair shall inform the candidate of the following:

  • Non-US citizens are responsible for their own travel visas.
  • Candidates may either elect to make their own travel arrangements, pay all expenses personally, and submit receipts for reimbursement or have an administrator arrange travel by Pratt Institute’s Travel Agency or using an approved department P- card.
  • The Department Finance Administrator/Assistant will confirm the travel dates and the cost center (budget number) with the Office of the Provost.


The candidate must submit original receipts for all expenses. Any expenses that were charged to a candidate’s credit card must include the original sales receipt. Submittal for reimbursement must be made within 60 days of travel. Submittals after the elapsed time will not be honored. 

  • Submittal must include candidate’s completed W9 and mailing address. 
  • If the receipts include the last name of the Candidate and the last 4 digits of the credit card used, or are paid with cash, there is no need for additional documents. If receipts do not include this information, the candidate must include a statement highlighting the relevant charges for reimbursement. 
  • The candidate should black-out their credit card number(s) on any documents/receipts submitted. The candidate’s name and address must remain on the credit card statement or internet confirmation sheet.
  • The candidate will submit all toll/parking receipts and the number of miles actually used if they have used their own motor vehicle to get to Pratt Institute.
  • Note that Pratt Institute does not reimburse for tax.
  • All requests for reimbursement should be submitted to the Finance Administrator/Assistant of the School conducting the search –(note that these individuals do not approve requests, all approved search expenses are routed to and paid by the Office of the Provost).