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Final Grades, Grade Disputes, and Grade Appeal Policies


Registrar's Office

All grades are final as assigned by the instructor. If a student feels that a grade received is an error, or that he or she was graded unfairly, it is the student’s responsibility to make a prompt inquiry of the instructor after the grade has been issued. Should this procedure not prove to be an adequate resolution, the student should contact the chair of the department in which the course was taken to arrange a meeting and appeal the grade. If this appeal is unsuc­cessful, a further and final appeal can be made to the dean of the school in which the course was taken. It is important to note that the faculty member who issued the grade holds the authority to change the grade except in cases of appealed grades.

If a grade is to be changed, the student must be sure that the change is submitted within the following semester. Petitions of change of any grade will be accepted only up to the last day of the semester following the one in which the grade was given. Other than resolution of an initially assigned incomplete grade or of a final grade reported in error, no letter grade may be changed following graduation.