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Housing and Dining Accommodations



Pratt Institute strives to provide the best housing and dietary arrangement to suit your particular needs. A variety of housing options already exist to accommodate both physical and mental health conditions, and it is important when making housing decisions to consider your needs carefully. We understand that there are exceptions and circumstances in which particular requests and accommodations need to be considered. Your requests for exceptions are evaluated carefully.  

Students who need special housing accommodations should enroll with the Learning/Access Center. Housing registration must be completed before special housing requests can be considered and/or implemented. Any questions about standard housing registration should be directed to ResLife.

So that you receive full consideration of your special housing request, please plan to have all portions of the process completed prior to the following deadlines:

Continuing Students:
March 1st for following fall semester; November 15 for following spring semester.

New Students:
May 1 for following fall semester; November 15 for following spring semester

Rooms may be filled after these deadlines, impeding the Institute’s ability to accommodate special housing needs. To discuss enrolling for Housing accommodations, please contact the L/AC at 718.802.3123 or to schedule an appointment.


Students with disabilities that impact diet, as well as students with dietary/food restrictions, should contact the L/AC to discuss procedures for establishing alternate dining arrangements. Please contact the L/AC at 718.802.3123 or to schedule an appointment.