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Internal Communications Policy for onePratt Messenger, Communicator and Pratt TV




onePratt Messenger and onePratt Communicator have the ability to send out targeted communications for use in conducting official Institute business. Pratt TV is the collection of digital displays mounted throughout Brooklyn’s campus.

The onePratt Messenger and onePratt Communicator are communications tools that have the ability to send out targeted communications to email addresses with a suffix that have been assigned by Pratt administration to faculty, students, and staff for use in conducting official Institute business.  Additionally, onePratt Communicator recipients may opt-in to receive messages to their personal email address and receive SMS notifications.
Pratt TV is the collection of digital displays mounted throughout Brooklyn’s campus. These televisions utilize global content as well as specific content related to a department’s channel. There are currently 30 displays with 18 department-specific channels. Pratt TV is also integrated with Pratt Alerts, capable of displaying time-sensitive messaging in an emergency or weather-related event.
onePratt Communicator is a communications tool that has the ability to send out targeted communications to email addresses with a suffix that have been assigned by Pratt administration to faculty, students, and staff for use in conducting official Institute business.  Additionally, recipients may opt-in to receive messages to their personal email address and receive SMS notifications.
onePratt Messenger is the upgraded replacement for onePratt Communicator. These tools will run parallel for a time. This tool has the ability to send out targeted communications to email addresses with a suffix that have been assigned by Pratt administration to faculty, students, and staff for use in conducting official Institute business.
Email lists developed by various divisions or units within the Institute for their specific uses are not considered part of onePratt Communicator and will not be supported.  The Messenger has been designed to fulfill this need by providing real-time dynamic lists based on Colleague data.
The onePratt Communicator and the onePratt Messenger are intended to be used only for official and essential Institute-wide business that applies to large groups of constituents: including students, faculty, and staff. 
The onePratt Communicator and the onePratt Messenger do not provide access to email lists to any group at Pratt, but serves as an “electronic mailing service” for approved official communications. Every effort must be made to clearly identify the specific desired recipient group in order to prevent unwanted “spamming”.
This policy is not intended to apply to normal and ongoing communications between matriculated students and the Office of the Registrar. All messages must conform to Pratt’s “Network Use Policy”.
A single Communications Coordinator shall be established for each department who would like access to these communication tools. Newly designated Communications Coordinators must first be trained in either onePratt Messenger functionality as well as our Digital Display System that supports Pratt TV prior to first use.  Please reach out to the Pratt Technology desk (x3765) to set up appropriate training.

  • Messages should be brief, concise, and clearly identify the intended recipients.
  • Subject line must contain a description of the subject of the message.
  • Information should be contained in the message body copy.
  • Embedded images, logos, and attachments can only be used in onePratt Messenger.
  • If additional documents are required, documents should be posted on an appropriate website with a link URL, specifically in the URL field for the Communicator.
  • Communicator messages will be sent from one source email addresses,, while Messenger will send from the subdomain
  • Website references will be to Pratt URLs unless the message content refers to an outside organization.
  • All messages must contain a link to the originator’s Pratt email address to allow recipients to follow up with questions or comments.
  • Communicator supports features such as custom message duration, expiration, pre and post-message bodies, and controls over whether a message is dismissible.  Therefore, no reminder messages should or will be sent.
  • Messenger allows for message journeys to put recipients on a path for related or subsequent messages. 
  • Advertising and copyrighted material are prohibited on onePratt Communicator, onePratt Messenger or Pratt TV


  • The assigned department’s Communications Coordinator should ensure that the entire copy for the message, along with the intended recipient group, be approved by their Department Head.
  • Decisions on appropriateness and content shall remain solely the discretion of the Department Head. Editorial assistance is suggested from the Office of Communications (ext. 4515) to ensure the appropriate use of language.


  • onePratt Communicator has a VIEW ONLY role that allows permitted employees to view the status of communications as well as past communications within their department group.
  • onePratt Messenger includes tracking and reporting for designated Communications Coordinators.