Posting Policy - Pratt Institute Skip to content

Posting Policy



In an effort to promote communication Institute-wide and preserve the appearance of the campus, Pratt Institute has established the Campus Posting Policy. Note: This policy applies to all the bulletin boards on the Pratt Institute campus. The only bulletin boards that are exempt are those controlled by the academic departments and the Office of Residential Life and Housing. Any club or organization wishing to post in the residence halls must contact the Office of Residential Life and Housing to make arrangements.

  1. All posters must have the Student Involvement approved- stamp. The stamp must be easy to read on the poster and the date must be clear. Posters must be brought to the Office of Student Involvement to be stamped by a member of the Student Involvement staff. Posters must be brought to the Student Union on the Brooklyn Campus or 7th floor at Pratt Manhattan to be stamped by a member of the Student Involvement staff. Each poster requires an original stamp. Posters without stamps will be immediately removed.
  2. The date on the stamp is the date on which the posters must be taken down. Individuals and offices that hang posters are responsible for taking down posters after they have passed the stamped date. For an event/activity that has a specific date, the date stamped on the poster will be the date after the event/activity is scheduled to take place. For a poster without a specific date, the date stamped will be one (1) month after the date on which the poster is brought in for approval.
  3. Posters cannot exceed two feet by three feet (2’x3’) in size.
  4. Only two posters per event or posting will be permitted on each bulletin board.
  5. Posters are only permitted on bulletin boards. Posters are not permitted on walls, windows, doors, etc. Posters can only be attached to bulletin boards with pins and departments/clubs are responsible for providing their own push pins. Tape is not allowed as a method of posting as it damages posters and the boards.
  6. Posters will not be approved if they contain incorrect information or if they are inconsistent with Pratt’s standards and policies. In addition, posters must provide duplicate information in English when another language is used.
  7. Posters advertising events where alcohol will be served are not permitted.
  8. The club events, Student Involvement, academic, exhibits, and other bulletin boards assigned to clubs and organizations are specifically meant for their use. Only posters that the club or organization and the Office of Student Involvement approve will be permitted on these boards.
  9. People wishing to advertise housing must list their information with Office of Residential Life. Student Involvement will not stamp fliers for housing.
  10. Quarter-sheets must be approved by the Office of Student Involvement before being distributed.
  11. Chalking is not allowed on walkways and walls. Any group found to be in violation of this policy will be asked to remove the chalk and may have their posting privileges revoked.
  12. Any items taped to a surface must be removed after the event takes place. Any group found to be in violation of this policy will be asked to remove the tape and may have their posting privileges revoked.