Sabbatical Policy
All granted sabbatical leaves must meet the following criteria:
- The sabbatical project proposed enables a faculty member to undertake significant research, writing, study, advanced work or creative endeavor that they would not be able to do while fulfilling regular Institute responsibilities.
- The product of the sabbatical contributes to the Institute, the academic specialty, the individual program within the department, and the individual’s development.
- Tangible evidence of the sabbatical project must be shared by the faculty member when he or she returns in the form of, for example, a final written product, a creative show, a piece of art, or a public lecture or program.
- The faculty member agrees that he or she intends to return to the Institute afterward for at least one (1) year of service.
- In the event the faculty person does not return to the Institute, he or she shall reimburse the Institute for sabbatical pay.
- The sabbatical applicant will show due diligence to obtain external funding for the proposed project to provide a time period long enough to complete significant work (e.g. Guggenheim to extend one semester at full pay to one year).
- The sabbatical period shall not be used to accept another teaching or research appointment or full-time employment.
- The sabbatical request does not impose a burden on the program or department, and the financial implication of the request will be reviewed and assessed.
- The faculty member cannot receive additional compensation from Pratt Institute in the form of a stipend or other terms of employment while on sabbatical leave without prior approval from the Provost, at least one semester prior to the start of the sabbatical period.
- The faculty member must file a detailed written report on the results of their project within ninety days after the beginning of the semester following the sabbatical leave.
Updated 7.15.19