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Student Complaints


Office of the Provost

Pratt Institute makes every attempt to resolve student complaints within its academic and administrative departments utilizing existing procedures.

The following information is for current and prospective students who have already attempted to resolve their complaints by contacting Pratt internal offices.

Student complaints not resolved at the institutional level who have followed all grievance procedures and protocols defined by the Institute, and who reside in the state of New York, have the right to file a complaint with the NYS Office of College and University Evaluation. The contact information can be found on the New York State Education Department website.

Should a complaint not be resolved through processes and protocols defined by Pratt or the student’s state of residence, the student may contact Pratt’s regional accreditor (Middle States Commission on Higher Education) by using the contact information below.

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
1007 North Orange Street
4th Floor, MB #166
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (267) 284-5011

Online Education Programs

Pratt Institute is an institutional participant in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). If a student located in a SARA state has a complaint about Pratt Institute, complaints must first go through the institutional grievance process stated above. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of that process, a complaint involving allegations of fraudulent activity, including the provision of false or misleading information, may be brought to the New York State SARA Board. The SARA portal entity in the state where the student is located will be notified that the complaint was received and may assist as needed. Resolution of the complaint by the SARA portal entity in the institution’s home state is final.

The New York State Department of Education’s Office of College and University Evaluation will review a complaint only after students and prospective students follow and exhaust all grievance avenues of appeal procedures at the institution with documentation that such procedures have been followed.

Non-SARA State Contact Information

For students enrolled outside of New York state and in a non-SARA state or territory, the contact information for your agency is listed below (note: Pratt does not maintain the state and territory websites, and information may change without Pratt’s knowledge).

Should a complaint not be resolved through processes and protocols defined by Pratt or SARA, the student may contact Pratt’s regional accreditor (Middle States Commission on Higher Education) by using the contact information below.

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
1007 North Orange Street
4th Floor, MB #166
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (267) 284-5011