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As conditions have shifted throughout 2020, the world has been challenged to adapt. And Pratt’s designers, artists, scholars, educators, and visionaries have responded how they do best: with agency, action, and innovation. It’s that brilliant, resilient spirit that we have been drawing on at Prattfolio, the magazine of Pratt Institute, as we too have been called to rethink and reinvent. The Fall/Winter 2020 issue, focused on adaptation, transition, and response to change, challenges, and uncertainty, is coming to you fully digital.

We hope you enjoy the issue, and as we move through this year of transformation, look forward to uncovering new Pratt work, stories, and voices, along with vibrant ways to illuminate them in all the formats available to us.

—Jean Hartig, Senior Editor, Prattfolio

A black and white image of a room with light emanating from its windows. Picture is taken from outside the room and it is nighttime.

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Pratt Photography Students Reflect on Intimate Spaces Through a New Lens
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Faculty Books of 2020

Prattfolio collects the latest in Pratt faculty members’ works of literature, scholarship, and artistic endeavor. Whether looking to embark on a visual journey, discover new critical perspectives, or escape into imagined worlds, here are a number of fresh volumes to add to a new year’s reading list.
Collage of artist in brightly lit loft studio

Inside ComD Professor Ari Melenciano’s Research and Design Haven

Prattfolio looks inside the creative laboratory of Pratt communications design professor Ari Melenciano’s home studio in Brooklyn.

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