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NY-NJ Harbor and Estuary Program
Save the Sound
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation


Expanding on the NYC Paddling Guide created in 2021, the Hudson Access Project (HAP) is creating a public access inventory database and interactive map to provide New Yorkers with comprehensive, up-to-date information, encouraging recreation in and on the Hudson River. This project was made possible with support of the NY-NJ Harbor and Estuary Program (NY-NJHEP) and a grant from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, River Access Program (NYSDEC).

This project is focused on accessibility, safety, and inclusivity; we hope that park users can

engage with our application to plan more according to their specific needs, whether that’s accommodating people who use a wheelchair, have children, or decide to bring their pet. In addition to the interactive map, the public access inventory database of the entire Hudson River is being collected and standardized to further explore what equitable access looks like on the waterfront, as well as providing a research resource for stewards of the Hudson.


Sara Eichner
Sara Hodges
Alyssa Bement (SAVI)


2022 – Current


NY-NJ Harbor and Estuary Program
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, River Access Program