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Emergency Response Guide: Evacuation, Lockdown, Shelter in Place



If evacuation is necessary during a crisis or emergency, the following information may be helpful:

  • Follow evacuation instructions as they are provided.
  • Go to the nearest safe area and remain assembled with your class or office workers. Be aware of your building escape routes.
  • If dark, follow illuminated exit signs, posted evacuation route maps, and signage that shows entry/exit points for emergency evacuations. Know your building floor plan!
  • Avoid hazardous areas that are difficult to navigate.
  • Those with special needs will go to designated rescue points for people with special needs, and they will be safely evacuated by authorities.
  • Good communication is critical. Listen to announcements. Assist those with any language barriers.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Do not waste time. Move as quickly and orderly as possible to the designated evacuation point.
  • Do not return to your building until an “all clear” signal has been given by emergency evacuation team personnel.


Depending upon the circumstances surrounding the emergency or crisis situation, evacuation may not be the best option. In the event of a hostile intruder, a shooting in the workplace, natural disaster, act of terrorism, etc., it may be necessary to lockdown or shelter-in-place rather than evacuate, especially if the threat is external, coming from the outside.

  • Dial 3540 or 718.636.3540 or 911 if immediate police or medical response is required.
  • Secure all windows and doors.
  • If possible, monitor news reports for updated information.
  • Good communication is critical. Keep students, faculty, and staff informed providing reports via intercom, portable radios, text, or email messages (15 to 30 minute intervals).
  • Be sure to account for all students, faculty and staff when “all clear” announcement has been made.