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Exchange Program: Bezalel Academy of Art and Design


Aerial photo of Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

Apply Now to Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design is Israel’s national school of art. Established in 1906 by Jewish painter and sculptor Boris Schatz, Bezalel is Israel’s oldest institution of higher education.  Bezalel is currently located at the Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with the exception of the Architecture department, which is housed in the historic Bezalel building in downtown Jerusalem.  Bezalel developed a distinctive style of art, known as the Bezalel school, which portrayed Biblical and Zionist subjects in a style influenced by the European jugendstil (art nouveau) and traditional Persian and Syrian art. The artists blended “varied strands of surroundings, tradition and innovation,” in paintings and craft objects that invokes “biblical themes, Islamic design and European traditions,” in their effort to “carve out a distinctive style of Jewish art” for the new nation they intended to build in the ancient Jewish homeland.

Majors Accepted (Spring Semester Only)
  • Industrial Design
  • Fine Arts
  • Communication Design