I need to get a new travel signature on my I-20 to re-enter the US. How can I get one from the Office of International Affairs (OIA)?
The Office of International Affairs (OIA) is closed physically, but we are still providing services remotely. Travel signatures are valid for 12 months from the date signed on page two of your I-20 (six months for alumni on OPT). You can request a new travel signature by writing to oia@pratt.edu and including your name as printed on your passport and Pratt ID number. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Department of Homeland Security has provided us special authorization to send students I-20s electronically with e-signatures. Any new electronic I-20 you receive will remain valid for your use beyond the COVID-19 emergency, until you need an updated I-20 for another purpose. Please print your I-20 on letter-sized paper and sign it at the bottom so you have a paper copy to carry with you.