In the Wake of Tragic Events
Dear Pratt Community,
In what might have been a restful summer weekend for most of us, we were once again confronted by the very tragic and traumatic news of thirty-one people shot and killed in less than twenty-four hours in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.
Both shootings follow weeks of increasingly harmful and divisive rhetoric directed at immigrants on the United States’ southern border—rhetoric that we at Pratt struggle deeply to understand and counteract in our teaching, our work, and our profound commitment to diversity and inclusion.
These events call upon us to do what we at Pratt do best: to care for one another and to bring empathy and creative commitment to the problem, working diligently for authentic solutions.
Staff in the Office of International Affairs, the Human Resources department, Campus Ministry, and Counseling Services are here to support you should you have any questions or concerns regarding these tragic events.
I also ask all of you to find ways to participate and partner with others to work for effective solutions, to take care of those most affected, to end inaction and isolation, and to help move us all toward change.
With deep sincerity,

Frances Bronet