School of Information: Jobs and Careers

The School of Information at Pratt Institute’s goal is to prepare students for a variety of careers in the information field through a range of graduate-level educational programs. To that end, we consider ourselves successful when our graduates find employment that speaks to their career interests and goals. This website collects resources that are useful for job searching activities.
Students and alumni are also encouraged to use the services of Pratt’s Center for Career and Professional Development, which include services like resume review, mock interviews, Handshake access, and more.
The School of Information also offers a monthly newsletter called “Info Upload: The Professional Development Newsletter” that includes jobs and other career opportunities. You can view past newsletters below, and the monthly newsletter is sent to all individuals subscribed to our Google Groups.
General Job Resources
General job search sites like LinkedIn and are great aggregators of job opportunities available. Other sites have opportunities available to students in all programs, including, which includes federal jobs including those at the Library of Congress, National Archives and the Smithsonian Institution and the Chronicle of Higher Education, which includes jobs in higher education.
Note that the School of Information All Student Google Group, as well as program-specific Google Groups, often include jobs sent to faculty or staff and are intended to be received by students or recent alums. Faculty and staff aim to send the postings to the most relevant Google Group: for example, jobs requiring an ALA-accredited MSLIS degree will only be sent to the LIS Google Group. To send a job to one of these groups, please email the posting to, or send it yourself if you are already a member of the respective group.
Libraries, Archives, and Related
Library and Information Science jobs are often circulated over listservs, as well as over websites. A selection of listservs and job sites that include relevant jobs for MSLIS graduates include:
- Regional
- Metropolitan New York Library Council Jobs list
- Archivists Roundtable of Metro NY Google Group and Job List
- ACRL/NY Jobs list
- New York State Library, Library Related Job Openings
- New York Association of Independent Schools Job Board (for private school librarians)
- National
- ALA Job List
- Society of American Archivists Discussion List and Career Center
- Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) List and Job List
- Association of Research Libraries Job Listing
- Special Libraries Association Career Listing
- Code4Lib List
- Digital Curation Google Group
- Library Instruction Roundtable List
- Serials in Libraries (Serialst) Discussion Forum
- I Need a Library Job
- International
- CLIP Jobs (UK-based library and information association)
- The Partnership Board (Canadian library and information position)
- Information and Records Management Society (Records management jobs in the UK)
- International Associate for Social Science Information Service & Technology (IASSIST) Discussion List (Members only)
Museums and Museum Professionals
- American Alliance of Museums – JobHQ
- American Association for State and Local History – Jobs
- Association of Science-Technology Centers – Job Bank
- Museum-L Listserv
- Museum-Ed Listserv
- Museums and the Web – Jobs
- Museum Association of New York – Jobs
- Museum Computer Network – Listserv
- New England Museums Association – NEMA Jobs
- New York Foundation for the Arts – Jobs
- Words of Mouth (WoM) listing and weekly email
UX Design and Research
Listservs are not often used in the UX field for circulating jobs. However, general sites like LinkedIn and are useful, as well as the following job boards:
- Smashing Magazine
- Authentic Jobs
- UXPA Job Bank
- UX Jobs Board
- IXDA Jobs Board
- UX Design Weekly Jobs Board
- Coroflot’s UX Design Jobs
- Tech Jobs For Good
- Conversation Designer Jobs
- Bot Jobs (Conversational jobs)
Note that when employers send us jobs to circulate to IXD graduates or students, such as roles for UX designers and researchers, we do circulate them over the prattischool-ixd Google Group. To send a job to the group, please email the posting to
Data Analysis, Visualization, and GIS
- Data and Tech:
- Data Visualization Society – Jobs Board
- Digital Analytics Association – Jobs
- BetaNYC – Jobs
- ASIS&T Jobs Board
- (federal government jobs)
- NYC Office of Technology & Innovation (OTI) (NYC government jobs)
- (NGO jobs – search by keyword “data” or filter by Job Function)
- Data Jobs
- Machine Learning Conference Job Board
- Stats Jobs
- Icrunchdata
- Outer Join
- Tech Jobs For Good
- GIS-related:
Jobs while in School
Pratt offers many graduate assistant opportunities ($19.00/hour) as well as other hourly on-campus positions. These include working with faculty on research and grant projects and working in administrative offices at both the Manhattan and Brooklyn campuses. These opportunities are often circulated over our School-wide Google Group. Additional student employment opportunities are posted to Pratt’s Student Employment website. Note that students cannot work at Pratt beyond 20 hours a week so as not to conflict with studies.
Jobs at Pratt Institute
Pratt Institute employs over 1,000 individuals as faculty and staff. You can find full-time and part-time jobs at Pratt on the Work at Pratt website.