Reporting Student Behavior, Academic and/or Mental Health Concerns, and Resources for Faculty
Reporting Resources for Faculty
Addressing disruptive student behavior, academic and mental health accommodations, and other concerns.
Below are action steps and resources provided by Pratt’s Consultation, Advocacy, Referral, and Education (CARE) team to help guide faculty and staff in reporting student behavior and addressing academic and/or mental health concerns. The CARE team is an interdisciplinary group that meets twice a week to review concerns from all sources (i.e., Public Safety, Residential Life, Starfish, etc.). The CARE team includes members from Residential Life, The Counseling Center, the Office of International Affairs, Student Support and Advocacy, Title IX, and the Learning/Access Center (L/AC).
Note: While this page is primarily for faculty, students may also find it helpful for reporting concerns and accessing resources at Pratt.