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Dear Members of the Pratt Community,

We hope, as you receive this email, that you, your loved ones, and community members are safe. We denounce Russia’s attack on Ukraine and join our international communities in calling for an immediate and peacefully negotiated resolution. 

We are concerned about the personal impact this conflict may be having on members of our community. If you or someone you know in the Pratt community is affected, we want you to know that we are here to support you, and that there are several resources available to members of our Pratt community. 

Resources for Students:

Pratt’s counselors are available if you need someone to speak with about your concerns and challenges. The Counseling Center is located on the 3rd floor in the ISC Building and is open from 9 AM to 5 PM, M–F. You can email or call 718.687.5356 to set up an appointment. Crisis counseling is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling the Counseling Center at 718.687.5356. Martha Cedarholm, the student advocate and care coordinator, can also assist you with any other needs or questions that you might have. You can visit her in the Learning/Access Center in room 104 of the ISC Building, call her at 718.399.4546, or email her at

Resources for Faculty and Staff:

Faculty and staff can seek support through Pratt’s Employee Assistance Program, which is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1.800.311.4327 (TDD 800.697.0353). Additionally, faculty members are encouraged to reach out to Human Resources with any questions they may have, or with concerns about anything that may affect their work at Pratt. 

We at Pratt are here to support one another and hope the above services will be helpful.