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Welcome Message from President Frances Bronet (Spring 2018)


Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:

It has been an exciting two weeks since I arrived at Pratt, and an incredible way to start the New Year. I would like to thank you for the many warm wishes and messages of support I have received since being named Pratt Institute’s new president in October, and for the welcoming environment I have found everywhere on campus and beyond since taking office on January 2.

In my brief introduction to the community, I have met an amazing faculty committed to excellence, a student body open to stretching limits of exploration, and a staff passionate about serving and partnering. It is inspiring to build on this extraordinary foundation of inquiry and innovation.

I have learned that you are all thoughtful questioners and creators going out into the world to make a difference. It is clear why Pratt is consistently ranked among the top art and design colleges internationally. Your critical investigations play a huge role in addressing the challenges of the rapidly changing world around us. I am honored to lead the Institute and work together with each of you.

In the near future we will see the completion of some ongoing efforts: the reopening of the newly renovated Student Union, the opening of the new first-year residence hall on Emerson Place, and the selection of a new Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. And there will be much more to come.

I look forward to meeting you on campus and hearing more about what you are inspired to do at Pratt, and if you see me attending Pratt events and exhibitions, walking on our beautiful grounds or in the great neighborhoods around us, please come and say hello.

President Frances Bronet's signature
Frances Bronet