Meal Plans at Pratt

Meal Plans at Pratt
To ensure that students receive options for proper daily nutritional requirements, Pratt Institute offers several types of Meal Plans. We have Yearly Meal Plans (for both Fall and Spring semesters) and Semester Only Meal Plans (one semester at a time).
Also, we have created Semester-Only, Block Meal Plans, which are for 20 or 40 Meal Swipes only – no Meal Points are included.
As Pratt Institute is a nonprofit organization, Meal Plans can save students almost 10% vs. paying with cash or debit, as purchases with a Meal Plan are not charged tax.
For our new, first year on campus residents, the 19 Meals Per Week, Yearly Meal Plan is required for each semester. This plan includes $400 Dining Points per semester, too.
The Yearly 10 Meal, 14 Meal and 19 Meals Per Week Plans have weekly meal allotments, which decrease from Monday AM to Sunday PM as the student purchases entrees in the main Cafeteria or Pizza Shop (an “entree” is the main meal option, plus two sides, plus a drink).
Weekly meal allotments reset each Monday morning within the semester, and unused meals from the prior week are forfeit. (A meal allotment cannot be converted for monetary, or Dining Points, value.)
The 10, 14, or 19 Meal Plans each also have a semesterly balance of Dining Points, which students can use as they like. The Dining Points balance decreases on a pay-as-you-go basis. (One Meal Plan Dining Point equals one dollar. However, the cost of Meal Plans are fixed, and a Dining Point cannot be exchanged for monetary value.)
In the case of a Semester Only Meal Plan, a student will not be refunded unused Dining Points at the end of the semester. In the case of Yearly plans, a student will not be refunded unused Dining Points at the end of the Academic Year. (Points not used on Yearly Plans in the Fall semester are not forfeit, they are carried over, and added to the Spring semester allotment.)
Please Note: Pratt Bucks are a separate, distinct line of debit that can also be created, but unlike Dining Points, they are charged tax when used, on campus like at the Print Center, or off campus at local vendors (they have signs welcoming students to use their Pratt Bucks, like at a market, bagel bakery, or deli). Dining Points and Pratt Bucks are NOT interchangeable, so please take care when adding to either balance (see below).
With all Meal Plans (and Pratt Bucks accounts), students have the option to add to their Dining Points (or Pratt Bucks) balance at any time during the semester, via accessed with their Pratt OneKey.
Please remember, unused Dining Points in Semester Only Meal Plans are forfeit at the end of that semester, and all unused Dining Points in all Meal Plans are forfeit at the end of each Academic Year in May. So, when adding additional Dining Points and/or Pratt Bucks at any time, please plan accordingly.
Yearly Meal Plans: 2025–26:
For our new, first year on campus residents, the 19 Meals Per Week, Yearly Meal Plan is required for each semester. ELJ residents and upper class residents in halls without kitchens are required to choose from one of the yearly meal plans.
Yearly Meal Plans are billed per semester, with a two-semester commitment. Unused Dining Points from the Fall semester carry over to the Spring semester. All unused Dining Points at the end of the Academic Year are forfeit.
For 2025–2026, the Anticipated Rates are:
*19 Meal Plan: $3190 billed each semester, Fall and Spring. This plan includes 19 Meals per week, reset each Monday AM, and 400 in Dining Points to spend as a student likes.
*14 Meal Plan: $2760 billed each semester, Fall and Spring. This plan includes 14 Meals per week, reset each Monday AM, and 500 in Dining Points to spend as a student likes.
*10 Meal Plan: $2350 billed each semester, Fall and Spring. This plan includes 10 Meals per week, reset each Monday AM, and 600 in Dining Points to spend as a student likes.
M5 Meal Plan: $1400 billed each semester, Fall and Spring. This plan is entirely 1400 points per semester, to spend as a student likes.
Semester Only Plans: 2025–2026:
Plans are billed and Dining Points are issued only for the semester enrolled. Unused Dining Points at the conclusion of the enrolled semester are forfeit.
For 2025–2026, Anticipated rates are:
M6 Meal Plan: $750 billed for one semester. This plan is entirely 750 points per semester, to spend as a student likes.
M7 Meal Plan: $250 billed for one semester. This plan is entirely 250 points per semester, to spend as a student likes.
20 Block Plan: $300 per semester, 20 Meal Swipes in total, no weekly Meals allotted, no Meal Points balance.40 Block Plan: $600 per semester, 40 Meal Swipes in total, no weekly Meals allotted, no Meal Points balance.
Signing Up For A Meal Plan
Any student living on or off-campus may sign up for a meal plan:
- Start at our portal
- Sign in with your OneKey credentials
- For students living on campus, underneath your current term room assignment is the link for the “Housing and Meal Plan Contract”
- For students living off-campus, click on the term link named “Meal Plan Sign Up – For Off Campus Students Only”
- Follow the online prompts to submit your meal plan contract sign up.
Adding Dining Points To Existing Meal Plans (Not Pratt Bucks):
Students who have a current meal plan may find themselves “running low” of points as the semester progresses or their Dining Points have been all used up before the semester ends. In these cases, students have two choices: They can upgrade to a higher value plan or add amounts greater than $25 to their existing plan.
Upgrading is a process done in person at the Office of Residential Life and Housing. The student will receive the additional points and their student account will be billed the difference.
Things to remember if upgrading from a semester plan to a yearly plan: You will have the upgraded plan again in the Spring semester, but unused points will then carry over from Fall to Spring. Things to remember if upgrading from one semester plan to another semester plan: All points end at the conclusion of that given semester; add only what you can use during that semester.
Adding points is a process done online with any credit or debit card through the website. Be sure to specify on the site that you wish to add “Dining Points” rather than “Pratt Bucks.” Keep in mind that Dining Points are only usable in the dining services areas while Pratt Bucks are usable in the dining AND non-dining services areas BUT using PrattBucks, you’d pay taxes. Also, remember that all points on semester plans end at the conclusion of that semester: So, add only the points you feel you will use before the semester ends.
Meals and Dining Points – Only usable in dining services areas: Cafeteria, PI Shop, C-Store, etc. No Tax.
Pratt Bucks – Usable at copy center, bookstore, non-dining services/off campus vendors PLUS dining service areas, but you pay tax.