1967 Student News

Rowena Reed Kostellow headed Pratt’s exhibition at the 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal
Zoos around the world provided
Pratt Institute School of Architecture classes with material for their most recent design project. Students visited and corresponded with dozens of zoos, including one in Moscow, to study their functions. They applied their findings to an ideal design for the Bronx Zoo in a project made possible by a grant from the New York Zoological Society.
Some of the Pratt studies were applied by two fifth-year students, Howard Goldin and James van den Heuvel. Both worked as summer employees with Jerry Johnson, curator of exhibits and graphic arts for Bronx Zoo.
“We’re aiming toward development of the zoo as an educational, not purely recreational, facility,” Goldin explains.
“Many species of animals are fast approaching ex-tinction. The day is not far off when zoos will be the last sanctuary for these creatures, literally the only place on earth they can be seen.” The ideal zoo, as designed by Goldin, van den Heuvel and their classmates, enhances the accessibility of people to animals. One of their schemes groups animals from given continents, climate zones and evolution periods.
“We discovered a real need for improving the environment for zoo animals and the people who visit them,” says Dean Olindo Grossi, of Pratt’s School of Architecture.
Student News
For the second year in a row, a Pratt Art student received first honors in the annual Franklin Prize Competition sponsored by Franklin Typographers of New York City.
About 300 students from 20 schools submitted entries on the theme, “The Words We Live With.” Pratt received a $1500 scholarship.
Janet Horner, a 20-year-old junior in the department of advertising design and visual communication, received a $100 Savings Bond and gold first prize certificate.
Terry Escobar in TV Film
Terry Escobar, the only girl in the 20-team Intercollegiate Rifle League and one of the mainstays on Pratt’s rifle team, appeared in a six-minute film segment on WCBS-TV in May.
The 19-year-old Graphic Arts sophomore ranks fourth on the Cannoneers’ ten-member squad, averaging 240 points per match.
Travel Scholarship Winner
Pamela Ann Hawkins, a June ’67 graduate, received the Ida D. Haskell foreign Traveling Scholarship, the largest single award which Pratt gives a graduating art student. She will do independent study in Europe and plans to concentrate her traveling in Italy. Her major art interest is oil painting but she is proficient in printmaking, drawing and sculpture.
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Pratt Shows Wares
To World at Expo ’67
Black and white photo panels, accented by a brilliant red free form chair and gleaming steel car model demonstrate Pratt Institute’s industrial design concepts to visitors from around the world at Expo ’67 in Pratt is one of three United States schools participating in the “Man, the Creator” exhibition in the Industrial Design Pavilion. It shares honors with Syracuse University, linois Institute of Technology and 14 foreign schools.
“The exhibit our students developed,” explains Joseph Parriott, chairman of the Department of Industrial Design, “gives a quiet statement of authority in the contrast of design elements and their relationship with each other. It emphasizes the importance of the three-dimensional approach to successful de-sign, a teaching doctrine firmly identified with Pratt.”
Photo murals depicting 15 student projects are arranged in a 20 by 30 foot space for maximum interest and to provide a comfortable flow of spectators through the display. The full-size chair and one-fifth scale model car give further illustration to the theme.
Graduate students Jerrold Ross and Peter Sibley undertook design of the exhibit as part of their master’s theses. The project was directed by Mrs. Rowena Reed Kostellow, former department chairman.