E.A.T. Linked Data Modeling
Cristina Pattuelli and Matthew Miller
Julie Carlson, MSLIS ‘22
Teresa Ferguson, MSLIS ‘22
Miranda Siler, MSLIS/MA History of Art and Design ‘22
Michelle Rothrock, MSLIS ‘21
Sarah Ann Adams, Research Fellow
Karen Li-Lun Hwang, Research Fellow
Rose Gold, Research Assistant
School of Information, The Semantic Lab
The Semantic Lab at Pratt’s E.A.T. project uses primary sources from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Archive and linked data to create a repository of information related to Experiments in Art and Technology, a collaboration between artists and engineers in the 1960’s.

To explore our database visit: http://base.semlab.io/wiki/Main_Page
To learn more about the Semantic Lab visit: https://semlab.io/