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Say it with an Emoji

Research Open House 2022

Olivia Turpin, MS Information Experience Design ’22
School of Information

Say it with an Emoji: Mapping Sentiment During the #MeToo Twitter Movement is a data visualization project that explores how we use emojis to communicate sentiment online.

Fully expanded network map of emojis from the dataset of #MeToo tweets.
Fully expanded network map showing each emoji used in the dataset of #MeToo tweets, along with a legend on how to read.

Inspired by the online social justice movements of recent years, this project investigates how emojis were used during one of the heights of the #MeToo movement on Twitter. While emojis are commonly used as a supplement to text, here they’ve been brought to the forefront to create this networked sentiment map. Each emoji can be interacted with to discover its connections with other emojis and learn more information about how it was used.

You can view the full visualization here:

Collapsed network graph showing only connected emojis and a more details panel.
Collapsed network graph showing only connected emojis. The details panel includes information on the number of times an emoji occurred in the dataset, it’s average sentiment score, tweets that it’s associated with, and links to others emojis it’s connected with.